Saville Consulting is delighted to announce a significant expansion to their online assessment portfolio. As of 19th October, these new reports and tests are available:

1. New Wave questionnaire reports:

  • Team Roles Report: Designed for use in optimising team performance and composition. Profiles an individual’s most and least preferred team roles across eight roles and reviews combinations of preferences.
  • Sales Report: Designed for use in the recruitment and development of sales professionals. Identifies an individual’s potential to perform in a sales role by considering selling styles, sales potential and sales leadership.
  • Reflections Report: Designed for use in coaching and leadership development. Reflects on any positive and negative behaviours across nine important workplace areas, highlighting the impact of these. 

Talent Decision

The selection of truck and train drivers that are more likely to do their work in a safe and reliable way. 

Constructs measured

The instruments measure the following traits:
reaction speed
observation & memory

Conceptionally, there are two areas that form an overall score:
attention (reaction speed & concentration)
processing (multitasking, orientation, observation, memory)
